Emulation Mode:IBM
Data bits, Parity, Stop bits:8,none,1
Flow Control:XON/XOFF *
Other settings:At your discretion.
*DO NOT USE 'Busy/Ready'

Series 80:

Emulation Mode:Ithaca M80
Serial printer:
Data bits, Parity, Stop bits:8,none,1
Flow Control:XON/XOFF *
Other settings:At your discretion.

Series 90:

General Emulation Mode:Normal IBM
General Reset Inhibit:Off
General Print Suppress/Pass:Off
General Graphics Save Lock:Off
Vertical Paper Out Mode:Warning
Interface On/Off Line:Buffer Full Only
Interface Windows PnP:No
Interface USB Address:Off
Serial Printer:
Interface Comm. Link:Serial
Interface Parity:None
Interface 7/8 Bits:8
Interface Protocol:Ready/Busy or XON/XOFF
Interface DTR/RTS Signals:RTS Flow
Interface CTS Signal:Not Used
Interface DSR Signal:Not Used
Interface Multidrop:Off
Parallel Printer:
Interface Comm. Link:RS1284
Other settings:At your discretion.

Note: The Settings on the host PC must match the relevant communications interface
settings of the printer. See the programmers guide for the printer you are using.